Better information through the use of aerial produced data now leads to improved yield, less waste and more efficient use of resources.
Aerial Data
We are now offering Aerial Data Solutions using unmanned aircraft system (UAS). These systems enable us to capture aerial images for monitoring crop health. This data collected allows us to analyze various parameters including weed development, pest detection and nitrogen deficiencies. Our system can also locate livestock and their available forage over large areas, measure crop height, and generate topographic maps and models for terrain leveling and drainage options.
The benefits are enormous that multiply over periods of time due to the improved capabilities to make informed, timely decisions. The organization of this data provides growers with powerful data which will deliver clear information to make more informed decisions, resulting in improved farming operations.
Soil Analysis
We utilize the latest 3-D soil mapping technology through advanced sensors together with intelligent targeting procedures and geo-processing algorithms to produce high resolution, accurate soil and topographic information. Through a greater understanding of the physical and chemical characterization of the soil, including how inputs move through the soil, our technology enables growers and their trusted advisors to initiate more effective solutions to resolve the unique challenges of each area of their fields.